Life on Hamilton

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Last weekend we went to Philadelphia with our parents, Caitlin and Aunt Kathy. We stared at King Tut's liver holder, observed the Liberty Bell (yup, still cracked) and rocked out with Elvis Costello!

Melissa liked the headwear.

Joe liked the big heart.

The three Joes watching a pendulum.

Melissa and her new friend at the Betsy Ross House.

Sunday before we left we went to a Cereal bar! We are very bitter we didn't think of it first!

Time got away from us...

Wow! So its been three months! Sorry folks!

A quick recap...

We befriended the Patroons Panda (Joe even danced with him!)

Liz and Gareth got married (YAY!!!)

(a bunch of pictures can be found here.)

Melissa turned 27 surrounded by her girls...

And Joe turned 27 amid a raucus night at Lark Tavern.

Melissa played Kirsten Gillibrand in the LCA Show (dressed as a Dairy Princess)

And we got dressed up to have dinner with the governor.