Life on Hamilton

Monday, January 16, 2006

New Year, New Looks...

And then things started getting a little ridiculous...

Happy New Year!

Albany has a thing about celebrating everything with fireworks, so Molly and Paul joined us to go watch the first round of fireworks near the Capitol.

We then went to Shanna's NYE party up the road...

Where there was twister...

And champagne...

And some of our favorite people.

Fun Thursday evening...

The Lark Street Book Shop held their second annual singer/songwriter night, and Melissa made Joe bring his banjo.

Then Miss Laura sang a pretty tune, in front of a snowman...

And then we met Liam at Bombers to blow the $50 gift certificate we won at trivia and to give him his 8 foot long burgundy scarf.

Last Trivia Night

For over a year, Joe and Liam rocked Bomber's Trivia Night. They changed their names and extra teammates weekly, but they kept on winning free margaritas, beer, and $50 gift certificates to pay for the follow week. Liam got a job in NYC, so we had his farewell trivia night on Jan. 3.

And yes, we won again.

Quick Christmas Fun

For Christmas...

We decorated our little tree again, and then headed to our parents' homes...

First Long Island, where we spent my Christmas Bonus ($20 to King Kullen) at 3 a.m.

And then headed north, into the fog, on Christmas morning, to Poughkeepsie.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Victorian Fun

To get into the Christmas spirit, Melissa took Molly, Shanna and Sheila to Troy for the Victorian Stroll...

Melissa met Santa Claus...

Molly found some street urchins dumpster diving...

Shanna met Abe Lincoln...

These people danced and hit the ground with sticks...

And then we headed to Saratoga to see the Kamikaze Hearts, where Shanna found the Hannukah Wonderland!!!