Life on Hamilton

Monday, August 07, 2006


For those of you who don't know, 'mince' is what little old men in France say when they are annoyed, dissapointed, or put out. It's kinda like 'shucks' or 'gosh darn it!'

And we say, "MINCE!" because our camera has come home, and could not focus. So it is back in Connecticut, getting fixed. They promise it will be back on August 16. If it isn't, Melissa isn't going to be the most popular girl in the mall.

We've been keeping busy and enjoying our summer. Our basil plant has supplied us with very tasty dinners, and the eggplants have grown into lovely purple orbs. We've eaten two... and there are four more left!

Melissa dropped off most of her crafty bags at a new consignment art gallery in Troy, called the Kismet Gallery, on the corner of Broadway and 4th.

This weekend we went to Glens Falls to the Hyde Collection, to look at dozens of photographs by Edward Weston, one of Joseph's favorites. Then we wandered by the Old Fashioned Typewriter Museum, and headed south, to the Saratoga Race Track. It was really hard to be there without our little camera, but we took regular pictures with Molly as we placed our bets and watched the horses.

So despite photographic evidence, we are doing well in Albany. Hopefully you will see our smiling faces soon.


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